
What We Do
The Goldsmith Metropolitan District provides services such as parks, trails, open space and landscaping for the Denver Technological Center (DTC).
The DTC was established in 1962. The idea was simple: to establish a truly high-quality environment in which people could live and work. The concept matured over the years and the vision for a future urban environment became a reality.
The DTC had an auspicious beginning. It was founded with only forty acres a few miles south of the City of Denver boundaries. Development of an office park was an unknown concept at that time. Acquisitions of land parcels accompanied slow, steady growth of the campus-like complex until the project reached 909 acres.
Nationally recognized as one of the country’s premier business centers, the DTC is located at the junction of two major freeways, I-25 and I-225. The DTC forms the gateway to Denver’s southeast business corridor. DTC is master planned to contain several times more than its current fourteen million square feet of development. Although most of the development in the Tech Center is comprised of office space, strategically located concentrations of hotels, residential apartments, condominiums, high-end single family residences, upscale retail, specialty shops, and restaurant complexes round out this mixed-use business center.
The DTC has a master plan that calls for a balanced mixture of land uses to create an urban center in a suburban setting. The tree-lined street system creates superblocks, which are developed with distinct visual characteristics. A sense of community has been enhanced by the addition of several high-quality apartment complexes.
Master plan development and management have created the foundation for a suburban “edge city.” Planning controls are the cornerstone of DTC’s environment. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) ensures that the highest standards are maintained in existing product and in all future development projects. Protective covenants provide development guidelines to enhance land values for present owners, future investors, tenants and residents in the DTC.